Sunday, October 21, 2012

One Evening

One evening, one lovely tea, one favorite place of mine - the 2012 Sencha Sayamakaori Miyazaki at Avra Kehdabra teahouse in Bratislava.
Enough words.


  1. it does seem like bliss. I don't speak this language but Tea with poetry is aesthetically inviting...somber in many ways. I wish my blogs could be as such.

  2. Hello, fellow tea and poetry lover. It's very nice to meet you and I can see that I'll enjoy your blog with many cups of tea. Adding to my blogroll. Best,

  3. seule771,
    an evening like this, visiting a favorite place and having a nice cup of tea, really is a bliss. A bliss, just waiting to be appreciated!

    thank you for your kind words, I'm glad you enjoy my blog! I'll make sure to check yours as well.
